2015 Opel ‘eco’ Astra 1.6 CDTI 81 kW / 110 hp

2015 Opel Astra 1.6 CDTI

Continuous improvement is the motto: launched in spring 2014, the Opel Astra with the new generation 1.6-liter turbo diesel had already earned Germany’s A+ energy efficiency label and has become the most efficient compact class car in Opel’s history. 

The further optimized Astra with the 81 kW/110 hp 1.6 CDTI now only emits 94 grams of CO2 per kilometer (vs 97 grams so far), which is equivalent to 3.6 liters of diesel per 100 kilometers (0.1 liter less than before) in the NEDC (New European Driving Cycle). As for the improved 100 kW/136 hp output version, it now only emits 99 grams of CO2 per kilometer (5 grams less than before) and needs 3.7 liters of diesel (0.2 liter less) in the NEDC, thus seeing even the more powerful Astra whisper diesel crack the 100-gram-barrier. And to make things even better – the new ‘eco’ Astra 1.6 CDTI, which will be available shortly, will cost the same as the current version. 

This showcases how committed Opel is in its current powertrain offensive, the most impressive in its history. In just 18 months, Opel has completely renewed its diesel portfolio. The reworked and even more frugal Astra 1.6 CDTI models complete the trio around the new, 82 gram Corsa 1.3 CDTI ‘eco champion’ and the new Insignia 2.0 CDTI, which will both also hit the dealerships in the upcoming weeks.

“Our new powertrains demonstrate how modern mobility works. CO2 reduction without making compromises on performance and comfort is the motto,” said Charles Klein, Vice President Vehicle Engineering Europe. “We now offer extremely efficient turbo diesels in every vehicle class – from our new Corsa with phenomenal 82 g/km of CO2 to the Astra and the midsize flagship, the Insignia.”

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