2015 Ford Mustang - Speed Dating Prank VIDEO

Ford uses a Mustang and a blonde stunt driver to prank blind dates
With Valentine's Day fast approaching, love is in the air. Or at least it should be, but for the gentlemen featured in Ford's "Speed Dating" commercial, it's more a case of false hope and a whole lot of tire smoke.

The storyline is simple: Take a bunch of unsuspecting guys and set them up on a blind date at a coffee shop with a beautiful blonde. When the girl asks if they want to leave, the men jump in the passenger seat of her 2015 Mustang GT (rigged with cameras). At first she acts uncomfortable with a stick shift, and a few of the men flex their masculinity in response. Only the girl isn't uncomfortable. Instead she's a professional stunt driver, who proceeds to thrash the tires off her Mustang in a deserted parking lot with the confused, scared, excited men in tow.

Clearly the guys have no idea that this whole thing is a setup, and this video illustrates a key issue most men have when it comes to dating: They're rubbish at it.

Case in point: Don't tell the nice girl you just met that you're a ninja. Or that you like to party. And when you're in the car, don't brag that you'll show her "what this thing can do." Because she might be a professional stunt driver, and then you'll look foolish. Which is bad for you, but good for those of us that get to watch the video.

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