Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner performs near vertical take-off

These are the amazing scenes as a Boeing 787 Dreamliner pilot pushes the jet into a steep climb just seconds after the passenger aircraft takes off in advance of the 2015 Paris Airshow. 
boeing 787-9 dreamliner takeoff
The test pilots pushed the aircraft into a climb far steeper than anything that would normally be attempted during an ordinary passenger service in an effort to show the advanced aircraft's incredible capabilities. 
The aircraft took off from Washington and performed a range of incredibly complex manoeuvres. 

So far, 509 Boeing 787-9s have been ordered by 30 customers, including Vietnam Airways, whose aircraft will be demonstrated at the Paris Airshow, before it is finally delivered to the airline. 
According to Boeing, the 787-9 has had its fuselage stretched by 20 feet compared with the 787-8 and can carry more passengers and freight further, using 20 per cent less fuel than the aircraft they replace. 

Airline and military customers will arrive in Le Bourget Airport in France next week for the 51st Paris Air Show, which is the longest running event of its type in the world. 

Boeing, Airbus and the other major civilian and military manufacturers will all be at the show, including Russians - although due to sanctions, no Russian pilots will be allowed to fly at the event.

According to Mike Sinnett, Boeing's head of product development: 'If you can save 1 per cent of fuel burn in an aircraft then the airlines are willing to pay for it.’ 

The passenger jet has been purchased by Vietnam Airline, pictured, who will be accepting delivery of the jet after the Paris Airshow.

The $250m jet was practicing for its complex performance planned at the Paris Airshow in Le Bourget Airport this weekend.

The jet can fly 8,500 nautical miles carrying 280 passengers at 43,000 feet travelling at a speed of 510 knots.

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