Five stars for Audi A3 and S3 Sedans from US NCAP

Five stars for Audi A3 and S3 Sedans from US NCAP 
-Five star overall rating after US NCAP frontal, side and rollover tests
-Top ratings also for the A3 Sportback e-tron from Euro NCAP

The new Audi A3 and S3 Sedans* have received a five star overall rating from US NCAP for the highest crash safety. These models are therefore among the safest automobiles in their class.

For US NCAP automobiles must undergo rigorous frontal, side and rollover tests and the force of impact to various body regions is measured on crash test dummies to determine a rating.

The five star rating is limited to those models that provide the greatest amount of crash protection and rollover safety beyond what is required by US federal law.  More details can be found at

In Europe the Audi A3 Sportback e-tron recently received the top five star rating from Euro NCAP.  This puts the first series production plug‑in hybrid from Audi among the safest cars in its class.

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