Lamborghini Countach supercar Abandoned by London’s Tower Bridge

Driver arrested after one lane of traffic blocked by £250,000 Lamborghini Countach
 The hard shoulder. That strip of pavement running alongside the motorway normally collects the world’s old, asthmatic and generally downtrodden jalopies when mechanical failures suddenly strike.

But passersby traveling over London’s Tower Bridge were treated to the likes of something a little bit more, shall we say, exclusive – a rare Lamborghini Countach abandoned on the side of the road. Yet somehow that isn’t the weirdest part of the story.

According to The Telegraph, the owner of the stranded Lamborghini, a Mr. Edwards, was driving across London’s Tower Bridge last Wednesday when – in typical Italian supercar fashion – the car ran out of gas and ground to a halt, inadvertently blocking traffic in one lane. Not a great start, considering it was Edwards’ first full day with the car. Yes, first.

The thirsty Countach allegedly sat on the side of the Tower Bridge until Thursday evening, when crews finally removed the vehicle by police order. But not before it went viral.

The misadventures of the classic Lamborghini began in January of this year, when Edwards purchased the car and had it imported from Austria. Upon picking the Countach up from his mechanic, he took it out for a spin that day and was promptly rear-ended by another car. No sooner had the Lambo left the shop; it quickly returned for repairs to the back end and an all-over paint respray – where it has remained ever since.

With nearly 10 months with the car and only just two days of driving – we sincerely hope Mr. Edwards’ luck with supercars turns around for the better.

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