Google’s Self-Driving Car is Programmed To Speed

If you happen to be driving one of Google’s autonomous cars and get pulled over for speeding, you can blame the car. It seems that Google has programmed them to go up to 10 mph over the speed limit to let them stay at the same pace as surrounding traffic.
 The news comes from a Reuters report quoting a Google representative speaking with journalists on a test drive. He said the speed limit can be exceeded in the right conditions, although he didn’t give any details on what conditions. It’s likely if you’re on the highway where, let’s face it, no one does the speed limit, then the car will go a little faster than the law allows.
It does leave you wondering how exactly things will play out if you get pulled over because your Google car has a lead foot. The idea of keeping up with traffic makes a lot of sense, but the law is the law and it’s hard to imagine that law enforcement is going to let you off the hook.
The prototype that Google unveiled this year only goes 25 mph, so there’s little chance those cars will run into trouble, but the BBC reports that real-world versions will be heading to Europe next year. They’ve already been approved for use on roads in the UK, so that will be the first time the speed issue is truly tested.
According to a UK Department for Transportation spokesman who spoke with the BBC, “there are no plans to change speed limits, which will still apply to driverless cars.” Wonder if Google will pony up and pay for your speeding ticket?

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