A road trip with the most exclusive of Ferraris

The LaFerrari flanked by its illustrious limited edition special series predecessors on its maiden voyage from Maranello to London
 It was a very special day in Maranello as one of the great Ferrari collectors, Jon Hunt, arrived to take delivery of his new LaFerrari in style, having driven all the way from London to Modena with his two children and a group of friends in a GTO, an F40, an F50 and an Enzo, cars that tell the entire story of the Prancing Horse’s passion for limited edition special series cars.
 Before setting off on the return journey to England, Mr Hunt paid a visit to Fiorano where he spoke to Ferrari.com: “Ferraris are the ultimate sports cars as far as I’m concerned,” he told us. “I love driving them all, each one is different. 
 I’ve clocked up over 16,000 km in the Enzo alone, for example.” When asked about his latest arrival, he declared: “I was completely blown away after just 5’ behind the wheel. I can’t wait to get to know it inside out but I can already safely say that the LaFerrari is a spectacular car.”

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