James Heath aces 16th hole, wins BMW i8 'supercar' at BMW International Open

Friedrich Eichiner , CFO of BMW Group, hands over the key of a BMW i8 car to James Heath

James Heath made a hole-in-one on the 16th hole on Sunday at the BMW International Open in Cologne, Germany, and as a reward, ended up driving home in what's touted to be the world's most advanced driving machine, a BMW i8, a $135,700 supercar designed for maximum eco appeal with styling from the 23rd century.

Considering the last time Heath had a hole-in-one, he barely received a pat on the back from tourney sponsors, however this time, he's powering down the Autobahn in this hard-to-find plug-in electric hybrid — that can hustle to 60 mph in just 4.2 seconds with the help of a 129-hp electric motor driving the front wheels and a turbocharged,1.5-liter three-cylinder engine with 228 hp driving the rear axle, go figure.

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